Saturday, October 25, 2014

A tiny step towards Swachhata Abhiyaan -

Toilet Cleaning at workplace 

 Toilets play vital role in maintaining the cleanliness in the community. Where there is no toilet system, especially in the villages, people go to defecate in the open. Clearing bowel in the open is neither good from health  point of view nor looks civilized. It deface the dignity too. 

And  having toilets at home and kept unclean is also an  invitation to diseases.
Toilets should be cleaned regularly whether at home or at workplace or at public places.
In my school, we teachers have taken resolution to clean the staff toilet in the school by themselves. Though cleaning staff is assigned to clean it but teachers have volunteered  to clean their toilets turn-wise for two days of the week – Tuesday and Saturday. 

1 comment:

  1. The project was taken up by the primary students in my school- K V Bacheli
