Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Parents are the best teachers ...

 Its very much true that our parents are the best teachers. It is said that the family is the first school for a child and the parents are the first teachers in life.
A child learns the lessons of citizenship between the lap of his mother and the kisses of his father.  He learns many traits of his personality naturally from the family environment. Caring and sharing , love, affection, sacrifice, patience, hardworking , honesty & altruistic - the humanitarian qualities and the patriotism are learnt from the members of the family and of course parents are the first members of the institution.
Eventually, If a child is imbibed with honesty and sincerity, he can achieve higher goals with the perseverance in his life. Otherwise, how many ample opportunities are provided to him, he cannot turn them into positive for his development and growth.
Honorable Abraham  Lincoln, the great American President was concretized with the qualities by his parents like hard working, sacrificing, turning the odds to win and consistency in the endeavor made him to serve the Nation for the highest post of the US.
It is the parents only who lay the strong foundation of the personality of a child in childhood which he carries throughout his life.
The teachers at later stage teach reading, writing, arithmetic for cognitive development. The higher education strengthens a person with the power of knowledge which is also very important in life to serve the globe. But if the power is not used constructively for the positive objectives, the knowledge will be hazardous. It proved during the world war II, when atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki in Japan.
The soft skills are naturally engraved in a child by the parents which are the soul of the learning to implement the knowledge to the benefit of the human beings.

Thus I conclude that the learnings happened in childhood and taught by the parents are always permanent and the best. So the parents should teach the child or create the environment of the family to the positive so that he should turn into a positive human being at the place of atrocities.   

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