Travel with a companion is a bliss
is an opportunity to open one’s world. It has some purpose of its own. The more
you travel, the more you are opening to the world. The pursuits of the travels
add knowledge and first hand experiences in the cap of the travelers. The
travel may be for personal reasons or for official purposes. It may be a
pleasure trip or for fulfilling any task aiming to an objective. Eventually, in
all, mobilizations of the person is obvious. Some people love to travel with a
companion and other people prefer to travel alone. I love to travel with some
companions. This is for various reasons.
it is said that one and one make eleven. To perform a long journey, we need
tickets, eatables, map, time table of trains/ buses/aeroplane, hotel booking,
vehicle for local movement etc. If two persons are travelling together, they
can share the responsibilities between them. They keep a watch on the
belongings of each other. Otherwise it may always have the threat of losing
important things like documents or ticket etc.
the information owing related to the place / city / country by the companions
are helpful in collaboration. Concurring together the travel becomes easy and
memorable one exploring the new experiences.
It is not only pertinent to personal travels, even for explorations of
new territories of the globe. It is proved true. Magellan, the Spain expeditor,
went to West Indies and South America to explore the topography with five
ships. The courage, concur, collaborative efforts made them possible to prove
that the earth is round without any precipices though many of them lost their
lives due to hunger and illness.
traveling together in a group or with a companion makes the people courageous. Conquering the Everest for the first time
would have not been possible; if the team would have not been involved in the
brave target. The challenges of profound ice, snow storms, deep and dangerous
valleys, steep cliffs were impossible to overcome.
traveling invigorates the team members overcoming the fatigue or any health
it ventures to the correct and more authentic documentation of the travels done
together subsuming the experiences. Videography and clicking the camera will also have variety and
I prefer to travel with my companion or my team since it shares the experience,
knowledge, responsibilities to make the trip easy and memorable one. Eventually,
it gives strength and courage to open the world wide and ventures into
personality development and leadership too.